The School of Applied Sciences of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) in cooperation with Nanjing Tech University of China, students of the “Industrial Ecological Engineer” 2+2 program training progress information
The students of the “Industrial Ecological Engineer” 2+2 program jointly running by The School of Applied Sciences of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) in cooperation with Nanjing Tech University of China, are successfully studying online courses in the fall of the 2020-2021 academic year. The program has enlisted its first students since the fall of 2018. During the fall of the 2020-2021 school year, students were scheduled to study in China, but due to the global pandemic (COVID-19), they are studying online.
Figure 1. Students of the “Industrial Ecological Engineer” 2+2 program
In addition to the e-learning “Voov meeting” online platform, students are free to interact with their teachers via “Wechat” group, ask questions about lectures and homework, and take extra assignments, sharing lesson related information with the teachers.
This fall, students are studying a total of five courses, including Basics of Instrumental Analysis /仪器分析/, Micro-Biology /环境微生物学/, and Basics of Chemical Industry /环境化工原理/. The School of Applied Sciences conveys great importance to the training of joint programs and provides separate computer labs and other facilities to make the training more accessible to students.
Figure 2. From the training session /communicates directly with the teacher/
Study process during the quarantine
News prepared by:
Lecturer in charge of the 2 + 2 program of "Industrial ecological engineering" Ch.Davaasuren
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