The Northwestern Polytechnical University of China has sent kindly gifts to the School of Applied Sciences of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology at a time when COVID-19 is spreading worldwide and Mongolia has national quarantine. We delivered gift samples to the medical and service staff of the Medical center of MUST.
The Northwestern University of China has been cooperating with the School of Applied Sciences since 2017 in training research, teacher and student exchange and internship. We have been implementing “Statistics 2+2” joint program and “Doctor, Post Doctor” program under scholarship within the framework of the cooperation. For instance, a teacher from Humanities and Social Sciences Department of MUST is studying for a doctoral degree and graduate student is studying successfully with a 100% scholarship from Chinese Government. Moreover, the Northwestern Polytechnical University provides professional and Chinese language textbooks to students, who are studying in the joint program. Two lecturer of the School of Applied Sciences have applied to Ph.D program, and two graduates have successfully passed the initial exam for master programs in this academic year.
We would like to express our gratitude to colleagues of Northwestern Polytechnical University for providing medical protection and you every success in your work!
We would like to express our gratitude to the medical staff of the Mongolia University of Science and Technology and the staff in charge of school facilities and cleaning for their timely support in the time of a pandemic!
Administration of the School of Applied Sciences, MUST
Физикийн тэнхим бакалаврын хөтөлбөрүүдэээ БМИҮЗ-өөр амжилттай магадлан итгэмжлүүлж гэрчилгээ авлаа.
Математикийн тэнхимд шинээр ном ирлээ.
IШинжлэх ухаан, технологийн их сургуулийн 65 жилийн ой, дэлхийн багш нарын 30, монголын багш нарын 58 дахь өдрийн арга хэмжээ боллоо
ШУТИС-ийн Шилдэг багш шалгаруулалтын 1-р шат уралдаан ХШУС дээр амжилттай боллоо