Department of Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering includes 1 professor, 1 advising professor, 4 associate professors, 3 honored professors of MUST, 8 senior lecturers, 6 lecturers, 8 training masters, 1 department assistant, 1 Doctor of Science, 16 PhD and master’s degree lecturers. Department staff has published over 133 books, student books, and handbooks and owns over 21 patents, copyrights, and has authored over 800 scientific and advertising papers. Our undergraduates have studied in Russia, Japan, China, USA, South Korea and Taiwan and received 20 PhD and 30 master’s degrees. RESEARCH FIELDS: Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Complex and Inorganic Compounds, Petroleum Chemistry, Technology of Processing, Chemical Technology of Natural Water and Salt; Ecological Chemistry, Research on Characterization and Properties of Natural Bitumen, Solid Fuel Chemistry, Chemical Technology, Synthesis of Natural Compounds, Processing of Minerals of Regional Raw Materials, Reusing of Wastes and Obtaining New Materials.

Staff members of Department of Chemical Engineering:

  1. Head of Department of Chemical Engineering (Ph.D),  Ganchimeg.Yu
  2. Advising proferssor (Ph.D), prof Byambagar. B
  3. Professor , (Ph.D) associate prof Narantsetseg. M
  4. Professor , (Ph.D)  associate prof  Khandmaa.D
  5. Associate professor (Ph.D), Enkhtsetseg. E
  6. Associate professor (Ph.D), Ilchgerel. D
  7. Associate professor (Ph.D), Sarnai.A
  8. Associate professor (Ph.D), Saran .G
  9. Associate professor (Ph.D), Tungalagtamir.B
  10.  Senior lecturer Otgontuul. O
  11. Senior lecturer Nyamjargal. L
  12. Senior lecturer (Ph.D),  Dorjgotov. A
  13. Senior lecturer (Ph.D), Battumur. T
  14. Senior lecturer (Ph.D), Bat-Erdene. E
  15. Senior lecturer (Ph.D), Myagmarsuren.S
  16. Senior lecturer (Ph.D), Ulziidelger.B
  17. Senior lecturer (Ph.D), Bayartsaikhan.Ts 
  18. Lecturer (Ph.D),  Tsetsegjargal. M
  19. Lecturer (Ph.D),  Badral.G
  20. Lecturer  Bilegsaikhan. S
  21. Lecturer Gunchin. Ch
  22. Lecturer Dolgorjav.R
  23. Lecturer Serikjan. Kh
  24. Master Nasanjargal. Sh
  25. Master Enkhtuya.M
  26. Master  (Ph.D), Zoltuya.Kh
  27. Master Bayarjargal.S
  28. Master Enkhtuul.M
  29. Master Monkhpurev. B
  30. Master Bayarjargal.S
  31. Master Battsetseg.G


Department of Chemical Engineering

Phone number: (976-11)-2401, 323659


Room number: 1st builging of MUST, number 412