The national coordinator of the RAS1029 project and senior lecturer of the physics department of SAS Dr. Ts. Baigalmaa participated in the meeting titled "Meeting of Harmonization of National Programs for Development and Application of Advanced NDT Techniques" hosted in Jakarta Indonesia, 21-25 August 2023.
At the meeting, the current status of non-destructive testing in the member countries was discussed and the implementation plan of the RAS1029 project was approved.
The RAS1029 project will train qualified and competent personnel according to the international ISO 9712 standard to introduce advanced methods and technologies in the field of civil construction in the following three areas:
ХБНГУ-тай "Статистик" хамтарсан хөтөлбөрийн оюутнуудтай уулзалт хийнэ
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