The staff of the Chemical Engineering department prepared a self-assessment report for the master's program, "Petroleum Processing Technology" and submitted it to the Mongolian National Council of Education Accreditation in October 2022. The team of accreditation experts who were assigned by the Mongolian National Council of Education Accreditation has been working at the Chemical engineering department from 05 to 06 December 2022.
Within the framework of this work, the experts reviewed the program's self-evaluation report and evidence. Also, meetings with the staff of the Chemical engineering department, professors and lecturers of the team that wrote the self-evaluation report, students, employers, and graduates were held in the hall and online to receive relevant clarifications and inquiries.
On 12.06.2022, at 17:00-18:00, the team of experts met with the director of the School of Applied Sciences and staff of the Chemical engineering department, gave suggestions and recommendations related to the self-evaluation report of the program, presented a preliminary conclusion, and submitted it to the Mongolian National Council of Education Accreditation.
We would like to thank the experts of the Mongolian National Council of Education Accreditation, the staff of the library, the academic department, finance, graduates, graduate employers, and students who are studying in the program for their cooperation
Chemical engineering department
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