The International Workshop on “Graduate Program and Research”
On October 28, 2022, the International Workshop on “Graduate Program and Research” was successfully organized by the Chemical Engineering Department in the online meeting room (E-405) of MUST.
The professors of the Niigata University of Japan, the Mining University of China, the Northwest Polytechnic University of China, the Freiberg University of Germany, and the Kougkuin University of Japan were invited to participate in this event.
The event was opened by Dr. (Ph.D.) D.Otgopnbayar, the scientific secretary of the School of Applied Sciences of MUST. Doctor (Ph.D.), Associate Professor Yu. Ganchimeg, Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, presented the activities, implemented projects and programs of the Chemical engineering department, as well as the features and expected results of the International Workshop on “Graduate Program and Research”.
Professor Naoki Kano from Niigata University, Professor Jing-Pei Cao from the Mining University of China, Dr. Zi-Meng He and Professor Yanhui Chen from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Northwestern Polytechnic University of China, Professor Ben Ebersbach from the School of Chemical Technology of the Freiberg University of Germany, and Professor Hee-Joon Kim from the Kougkuin University of Japan have presented the presentations in the field of graduate programs and research carried out by own universities. Moreover, the professors shared their experiences and discussed how to develop further cooperation.
Ass Professors doctor (Ph.D.) D. Ilchgerel and doctor (Ph.D.) G.Badral presented a presentation on graduate programs such as Chemical processing technology, Petroleum processing technology, Coal processing technology, and Chemical engineering implemented by the Chemical Engineering Department of the School of Applied Sciences of MUST. The workshop was moderated by the training master, Kh. Zoltuya, sponsored by the project team led by B. Tungalagtamir.
As a result of this event, based on the experience of graduate programs and research of international universities, it was decided to study the possibility of improving the graduate program implemented by the Chemical Engineering Department and prepare suggestions and forward it to the sub-committee of the program of the School of Applied Sciences of MUST. It was also decided to explore the possibility of implementing joint projects and programs by further expanding cooperation with foreign universities.
Chemical Engineering Department
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